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A BOD POD® can tell you:
  • bod-pod-new.jpgWhat percentage of your body weight is lean body mass. Better known as the “good weight” your muscles, bones and organs actually effect the number on the scale, by increasing your muscle mass you can actually burn more body fat.
  • Percentage of body fat. Get ready, it may not be as bad as you thought.
  • Your Body age. You may be 30 but is your body going on 45? Your body age is important to show risk factors you may experience if you don’t make some changes.
  • BOD POD® measurements can help you track changes and success of your nutrition and/or exercise programs
  • Composition tests are the best indicators of overall health
  • Monitor for obesity
  • Risk factors for major diseases like stroke and diabetes

Click here to watch a video.

Armed with this knowledge, you can set realistic, measurable goals and actually see the results as you go.


Schedule A BOD POD®