NIFS Fitness Center Blog

Thomas's Corner - Stability Ball Warm Up Series

Written by Thomas Livengood | May 27, 2021 2:42:53 PM
Greeting NIFS Friends!  Warm ups are a vital part of your workout as we have found that a good warm up can lead to a better workout performance, decreased chances for injury, and relief from soreness post-exercise (ultimately getting you back the gym sooner than later).  Your warm ups can become quite ritualistic and routine, which is fine, but sometimes spicing things up a little can benefit more than just your workout regiment.  Adding new movements and patterns, new equipment and tools, and having your body adjust to these challenges could help you overcome stagnation and rejuvenate your program.  

The stability ball adds a plethora of movements that directly impact target areas such as the torso, hips, and shoulder. For beginners to exercise, these patterns begin to train the body for more complex movements as well as injury prevention caused by a potential deconditioned starting point.

Give these stability ball warm up exercises a try!

This blog was written by Thomas Livengood, NIFS Health Fitness Instructor and Personal Trainer. To learn more about the NIFS bloggers, click here.