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NIFS Healthy Living Blog

Beat the Heat: Tips for Safe and Enjoyable Summer Runs

Running in the summer can be a pleasantly dangerous experience! As the sun shines and temperatures rise, the risk of heat-related illnesses increases. Listening to your body and adhering to the following recommendations will not only help prevent heat-related illnesses but make summer running an enjoyable experience!

1. Timing and Planning GettyImages-1341688139

The coolest parts of the day tend to be mornings and evenings. If you are planning to run, be proactive and look ahead at the weather forecast. Planning your runs at these times of day will limit the risk of excessive heat exposure. If you must run in the heat of the day, plan a mostly shaded route to limit sun exposure.

2. Find Your Happy Pace

Running in the heat naturally puts more strain on your body leading to increased heart rate. In many cases, runners are unable to sustain their regular paces in hotter conditions. If this occurs, settle into a slower pace that feels comfortable and sustainable to you.

3. Hydration & Electrolytes

Hydration is key in summer running. Increased sweat is associated with increased temperatures. Drinking an adequate amount of water before, during, and after your run is crucial in preventing dehydration. I would recommend drinking at least ½ your body weight in ounces of water to ensure proper hydration. Electrolytes are essential nutrients our body expels in the form of sweat. Consuming an electrolyte drink, banana, or salty snack after a run can help replenish the contents lost in sweat.

4. Listen To Your Body

Knowing and recognizing the signs of heat illness are important when embarking on summer runs. Symptoms of heat exhaustion include dizziness, headache, nausea, and weakness. If these symptoms occur, find the quickest way to cool off immediately. Symptoms of heat stroke include high body temperature, rapid pulse, and confusion. If these symptoms occur, seek medical attention immediately.

With the right approach, running in the summer can be a safe and enjoyable experience! Make sure to check the weather, plan runs during cooler times of day, adjust your pace, and recognize the signs of heat illness to ensure safety during these warmer months. Stay cool, and happy running!

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Topics: running summer hydration recovery happiness heat

10 Tips to Stay Cool and Hydrated this Summer!

GettyImages-669861852Summer brings longer days and plenty of sunshine, perfect for outdoor activities and adventures. However, the heat can also lead to dehydration. Here are some essential hydration tips to keep you cool and refreshed all summer long:

1. Drink Plenty of Water - during the hot summer months, especially when engaging in physical activity it's important to increase your water intake. Strive for at least 8 glasses of water daily. Carry a reusable water bottle throughout the day to remind yourself to hydrate.

2. Eat Hydrating Foods - incorporate fruits and vegetables into your diet that are rich with water such as cucumbers, watermelon, strawberries, and oranges. These foods not only provide hydration but are also provide essential vitamins and minerals.
3. Infuse Your Water - water can be boring, add flavor by infusing with fresh fruits, herbs, or vegetables. Combinations like lemon and mint, or cucumber and lime make for great flavors. Make a pitcher to have on hand and fill your glass throughout the day to stay hydrated.

4. Monitor Your Urine Color - light yellow to clear urine will typically indicate proper hydration. If you notice a darker color, that's a good indication you need to increase your water intake. 
5. Avoid Excessive Caffeine and Alcohol - limit your intake of caffeine and alcohol during extreme temperatures. If you do choose to consume these beverages, be sure to create balance and drink water as well. 
6. Drink Electrolyte-Rich Beverages - when exercising or exerting energy you lose electrolytes. Incorporate coconut water or sports drinks to replace lost electrolytes. Be mindful of your choices as some options contain more sugar than others, opt for choices with lower sugar levels.
7. Schedule Outdoor Activities Wisely - plan accordingly when heading outdoors. Early mornings or late afternoon might be the best options to avoid that mid-day heat! If you are outdoors, be sure to take frequent breaks, seek shade and have your water on hand.
8. Wear Lightweight, Breathable Clothing - your clothing choices can help keep you cool in the heat. Choose breathable fabrics like cotton to help allow your skin to breathe. Wearing sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat can help provide you relief from the sun and reduce risk of overheating.

9. Listen to Your Body - don't wait until you are thirsty to drink water. Listen to your body and pay attention to the signs of dehydration such as dizziness, headache, fatigue and dry mouth. If you experience any of these take steps to rehydrate.

10. Stay Cool Indoors - take cool showers to help lower your body temperature if you start to feel overheated. Cool off in air conditioning or with a fan, especially on excessively hot days. 

These tips can help you enjoy a fun and active summer while staying hydrated. Remember, hydration is key to keeping your body functioning properly, especially in the heat. 

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Topics: summer hydration outdoor exercise heat

Health Benefits of a Sauna and Steam Room

GettyImages-1158207879(1)Fitness center amenities, such as a Sauna or Steam room are amongst the most popular for members of all ages. Members seek these amenities for potential benefits for physical and mental well-being. In this blog, you will learn some potential benefits of using these amenities.

Some advantages associated with using sauna and steam room amenities include:

1) Relaxation and Stress Reduction:

  • Both the sauna and steam room induce a state of relaxation and promote your sense of well-being by enhancing endorphins, natural mood enhancers, within your body.
  • What are endorphins? Endorphins are a natural hormone released by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland within the brain which aids in relaxation, improved sleep, and overall well-being. Endorphins are released during times of exercise, eating, laughing with loved ones, etc.
2) Muscle Relaxation/Recovery:

  • Saunas and steam rooms are known to be “heat rooms” which could be uncomfortable for some, but the heat induced within these rooms promotes muscle relaxation thus resulting in improved blood circulation to bring important nutrients to your sore and/or injured muscles.
3) Improved Blood Circulation:

  • On the topic of blood circulation, saunas and steam rooms have a heat component that causes our blood vessels to dilate (or expand) thus allowing a better flow throughout the entire bodily system. In addition, this improved circulation is extremely beneficial for the center of our cardiovascular system – the heart.
4) Detoxification:

  • These “heat rooms” are beneficial for detoxification because what happens when we sit in a hot room for an extended period? We sweat. Sweating is our natural method of discarding any waste or toxins within our body thus cleansing the body and allowing us to feel rejuvenated after a “heat room” session.
5) Skin Health:

  • Related to detoxification, saunas, and steam rooms aid in skin health due to dilating (or expanding) our pores and allowing the discarding of dirt or dead skin cells. This is also connected to improved circulation due to the skin having a more radiant and clear appearance due to efficient blood flow throughout the body.
6) Improved Sleep:

  • If you’ve ever felt tired or ready for bed a few hours after a sauna and/or steam room session, don’t worry because it’s normal! This is caused by induced endorphins (function explained in Relaxation and Stress Reduction benefit of this blog) within the body and the overall body temperature being elevated due to being in the “heat room” and then being dropped after exiting. The time how efficiently one’s body temperature drops may vary, so some may become tired faster than others.

Food for thought: It's important to note that while many people find saunas and steam rooms beneficial, individuals with certain medical conditions, pregnant women, and those with cardiovascular issues should consult with a healthcare professional before using these amenities! Additionally, staying hydrated is extremely crucial when using saunas and steam rooms to avoid dehydration in the process. 

To make the sauna experience more pleasant for everyone, use good judgment and follow these etiquette rules:

1. Enter and leave quickly and quietly, closing the door completely.
2. Wear gym clothes, a swimsuit, or a towel.
3. Use a towel to sit on and wipe off your perspiration.
4. Never pour liquid on the rocks.
5. Maintain the relaxation vibe…don’t bring your phone and do not exercise. 


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This blog was written by Deveon Martin BS, NIFS Health Fitness Specialist.


Topics: hydration heart rate relaxation circulation heat sauna detox steam room detoxification

The Sizzling Health Benefits of a Sauna

GettyImages-1056635854In my last blog post, I wrote a little bit about the benefits of taking ice baths and cold plunges. Very similar in benefits, but on the opposite end of the spectrum, is the scorching room that is a sauna. And like the ice baths, I think there is a case to be made for incorporating saunas into your everyday routine.

What Are Saunas?

To start off, let’s talk a little bit about what exactly saunas are. Saunas are simply heated and enclosed wood-lined rooms that offer many different therapeutic benefits. Mainly they can be quite relaxing in the heat and help with sore and aching muscles as well as releasing perspiration as a way to cleanse the body of impurities.

The history and use of saunas as a therapeutic modality can be traced back to Finland. Starting in the 12th century, saunas began to appear as a log building in which rocks were heated with a fire, and the smoke was released through a small opening in the building. After the smoke cleared, one would enter the sauna and it would remain hot for about 3–4 hours. These saunas were revered by the Finnish people, and are still a big part of their culture to this day.

The Benefits of Saunas

Since saunas have been around for so long, their benefits have been studied time and time again. They have been found to relieve stress thanks in part to the release of endorphins that occurs in the heat. The heat can also help with blood flow and muscle relaxation as the blood vessels expand in the heat. Anecdotally, many have reported that saunas are instrumental in their daily routines and mental health: a place of solitude and a place to truly, deeply relax.

The Risks of Saunas

You should, however, consider the risks of sauna use. Mainly when you’re in the heat, there is a risk for blood pressure to drop. Saunas also carry a risk of dehydration due to the sweating they cause. Due to the intense heat that is present inside a sauna, limit sauna use to 10–15 minutes and drink plenty of fluids before and after.

In conclusion, there are many benefits to the use of saunas and getting in the high heat. There are many different techniques you can use and there is no right way to use a sauna—just do what you feel most comfortable with and are able to tolerate. It’s a great tool to utilize and get your sweat on!

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This blog was written by Ricky Rocha, Health Fitness Specialist. To learn more about the NIFS bloggers, click here.

Topics: relaxation stress relief heat sauna detox perspiration