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NIFS Healthy Living Blog

Tim Howard

Tim Howard

Recent Posts by Tim Howard:

Give the Outdoors a Try!

T.Howard_bikingBeing a triathlete, most of my winters are spent stuck on the bike trainer or swimming countless laps in pools. When the weather finally breaks, I make every attempt to get outside and enjoy the outdoors and here’s why you should give it a try!

The Freedom of the Open Air

Working out under the open sky offers a sense of freedom and space that’s unparalleled. The fresh air, sounds of nature, and ever-changing scenery make every session unique and invigorating. Whether it’s a local park, bike path, or hiking trail, each setting provides a dynamic environment that keeps the workout engaging.

Variety and Community

One of the biggest benefits of outside workouts is the variety. Nature provides a natural playground with endless possibilities:

Trail Running: Great for cardiovascular health, building strength, and everchanging scenery.

Park Circuits: Use exercise stations or open areas for bodyweight circuits.

Outdoor Yoga: Enhance your practice in a serene setting and soak up the sun.

Outside workouts also offer a sense of community. Joining a local running club, fitness club, or participating in outdoor boot camps can lead to new friendships and a supportive network. I recommend our Free Tabata in The Park series at White River State Park. It’s a fantastic way to meet like-minded fitness enthusiasts and enjoy a high-intensity workout in a beautiful setting. We meet Tuesdays and Thursdays at 12pm in White River State Park directly across from the NCAA.

Practical Tips for Starting

Start Slow: Ease into outside workouts with short sessions. Understand that the heat will slow you down.

Dress Appropriately: Wear suitable clothing and footwear for the weather.

Stay Hydrated: Always carry water, especially in warm weather.

Be Mindful of Safety: Choose well-lit and populated areas and carry a phone for emergencies.

Have fun: Remember to smile and thank your body and mind for allowing you to practice fitness outside.

Outside workouts have been a game-changer for me. They remind me of the joy of being active in nature and the benefits it brings, both physically and mentally. If you’ve been feeling stuck in your fitness routine or want to try something new, step outside and give it a go. Your body and mind will thank you.

Stay active, stay healthy, and enjoy the beautiful outdoors!

Our Women's Triathlon Training program kicks off next month. Join us for our 8-week training program with Kris and Tim! Click here for more information or to register!

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Topics: exercise at home swimming biking outdoor exercise physical fitness

Empowering Fun: Joining Our Women’s Only Triathlon Training Group

Are you ready to dive into a world of empowerment, camaraderie, and exhilarating challenges? Look no further than our Women's only Triathlon Training group! Whether you're a seasoned athlete or just dipping your toe into the world of triathlons, our group offers a supportive environment where women of all backgrounds and fitness levels come together to train, grow, and have a blast.

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A Sense of Community

One of the most rewarding aspects of our training group is the sense of community that flourishes among our members. From the moment you join, you'll be welcomed with open arms by a group of like-minded women who share your passion for fitness and adventure. Together, we celebrate each other's successes, lift each other up during challenges, and form friendships that extend far beyond the training sessions.

Empowerment Through Sport

Participating in a triathlon is about more than just crossing the finish line—it's about pushing your limits, conquering your fears, and realizing your full potential. In our Women's Only Training Group, we believe in the power of sport to empower women both physically and mentally. Whether you're tackling a challenging hill on the bike or digging deep during the final miles of a run, you'll discover a newfound sense of strength and resilience that will carry over into every aspect of your life.

Fun and Laughter

Who says training has to be all work and no play? In our group, we know how to have fun! Whether we're swapping race stories over post-workout smoothies, organizing group outings to explore new biking routes, or donning matching costumes for race day, there's never a dull moment when you're training with us. The laughter and camaraderie shared among our members make every workout feel like a celebration of the amazing things our bodies can accomplish.

Breaking Barriers

As a women's only training group, we provide a safe and supportive space for women to break free from stereotypes, challenge societal norms, and redefine what it means to be an athlete. Whether you're a working mom juggling training sessions with family commitments or a retiree discovering a newfound passion for fitness, our group celebrates the unique journey of each and every member, proving that age, background, and experience are no barriers to achieving greatness.

Inspiring Role Models

In our training group, you'll find no shortage of inspiring role models to look up to. From seasoned triathletes who have conquered multiple IRONMAN races to beginners who are taking their first tentative steps into the world of endurance sports, our members come from all walks of life and bring a wealth of knowledge, experience, and wisdom to the table. Together, we lift each other up, support each other's goals, and inspire one another to reach new heights of greatness.

Joining our Women's Only Triathlon Training Group isn't just about becoming a better athlete—it's about joining a sisterhood of strong, empowered women who are ready to take on the world, one swim, bike, and run at a time. So, lace up your sneakers, pump up your tires, and get ready to embark on the adventure of a lifetime. We can't wait to welcome you into our community! Get registered today!

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This blog was written by Tim Howard, NIFS Operations Manager and co-trainer for the NIFS Women's Only Tri-Training Program.

Topics: running group training women triathlon training program fitness community Go Girl

DEKA Training Program: Steps to Success

Starting a new DEKA training program requires careful planning and commitment. DEKA is a fitness competition that requires functional fitness to complete 10 Zones of activity. Here's a checklist to help you prepare for and embark on your DEKA training journey.

  1. 210916_Ball_BW-scaledSet Clear Goals: Define your specific DEKA goals, such as achieving a certain time, completing all the obstacles, or improving your overall fitness.
  2. Fitness Assessment: Evaluate your current fitness level by assessing your endurance, strength, and agility. This will help you gauge your starting point. Speak with one our Certified Personal Trainers to schedule your fitness assessment. 
  3. Join Our Facebook Group: Be sure to join NIFS DEKA Facebook group and be a part of our community of tips, tricks, and encouragement.  
  4. Hydration & Nutrition: Stay well-hydrated, especially during intense training sessions. Be sure to follow a well-balanced diet and look out for our nutritional tips in weekly newsletters.
  5. Gear and Equipment: Ensure you have the appropriate gear for DEKA, such as suitable running shoes, workout attire, and any necessary accessories for obstacle courses.
  6. Rest and Recovery: Schedule rest days and prioritize recovery methods like stretching, foam rolling, and adequate sleep.
  7. Track Progress: Keep a training journal to record your workouts, times, and any obstacles you encounter. Take progress photos! DO IT! It’s a wonderful way to track our progress. The scale does not always reflect our fitness gains. 
  8. Have Fun!! Remember to smile! Enjoy your journey – the highs and lows. Every step you take in the journey is one for the better 😊

DEKA training can be demanding, so it's essential to approach it with dedication, patience, and a commitment to improving gradually. As you work through our 6-week program, stay focused on your goals, maintain a positive mindset, and enjoy the journey of becoming a stronger and more capable athlete.

Ready to get started? Get registered for our 6-week DEKA training program! Training begins September 25, 2023. Prepare for NIFS first DEKA Strong event on November 11th!

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This blog was written by Tim Howard, NIFS Operations Manager, Ironman Triathlete, and hot dog connoisseur. To learn more about the NIFS bloggers, click here.

Topics: functional training training small group training high-intensity circuit training DEKA